What Stories Can Trees Reveal Beneath That Bark?

What Stories Can Trees Reveal Beneath That Bark?

what stories can trees tell event

What Stories Can Trees Reveal Beneath That Bark?

McConnell Springs 416 Rebmann Ln Lexington, KY 40504

Last Revised: Aug 8th, 2024

Date and Time

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Event Description

Everyone is familiar with the rings that trees create on a cross sectional piece of wood. Grade school youngsters quickly realize that by counting these rings you can estimate the age of that tree. But what other stories can be interpreted by these rings? Some scientists, called dendrochronologists, spend an entire career studying these cross sections seeking information about the past. Come and investigate, The Stories That Trees Unveil.   

This event is kid-friendly and accessible to people with mobility limitations. 

Contact Information

125 T.P. Cooper Building Lexington, KY 40546-0073
